“Genes in Space was a life changing experience”
We launched the inaugural Genes in Space competition to offer students a once in a lifetime opportunity to design an experiment to be conducted at the International Space Station. We have asked a Genes in Space Finalist a few questions about her experience participating in the inaugural competition, and attending the 2015 ISS R&D Conference in Boston.
Alyssa designed an experiment using PCR to develop a detection method for extraterrestrial life by testing natural and unnatural genetic material. Read below about Alyssa’s GiS experience.
Put on your thinking hat for Genes in Space II. Coming soon! Sign up here to learn more.

Alyssa Huff
School: State College Area High School, PA
Mentor: David R. Huff
Age: 16
What compelled me to participate in the Genes in Space competition was that it is a brilliant opportunity for the youth to be involved in science by developing their own experiments on a large scale involving microgravity which isn't something you normally get to do in high school.
At the ISS R&D conference everyone was very welcoming in such a scholarly environment and getting a taste of that experience as well as the opportunity to present my experiment as a seminar in front of scientists has made me want to go into the field of science even more.
For the aspiring Genes in Space participants, I would say focus your proposal on what interests you most and build off of that, because that is the area where you will find most of your passion, inspiration, and drive.
Genes in Space was a life changing experience for me and I am very much looking forward to participating next time.